1x machina force
3x ancient gear cuadrillon dragon
3x machina fortress
3x machina gearframe
2x grenn gadgets
2x red gadgets
2x yellow gadget
2x scrap recycler
1x turbo synchron
2x effect veiler
1x dark hole
3x mystical space typhon
1x book of moon
3x geartown
2x mirror force
2x tramp stun
1x dimensional prision
2x fiendish chain
1x call of the haunted
2x seven tools of the bandit
1x black horn of heaven
extra deck
1x scrap dragon
1x ally of justice catastor
1x armory arm
1x phantom beast plane drago-shack
1x number 11: big eye
1x number 39: utopia
1x number 91 thunder sparck dragon
2x gear gigant x
1x number 101: silent honors ark knight
1x wind-up zenmaines
Última edición por jhony281 el Sáb 26 Abr - 14:02, editado 3 veces